SL1 Round 14: PASC vs Adelaide Cobras


Sat 27 May 2023 10:30 — 17:00

Event information

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Saturday May 27 Round 13

Scheduled Match times:

Saturday 6th May U18’s 10:30am
Reserves 12:45pm | Seniors 3:00pm





~ Senior Coaching Staff ~

Head Coach

Steven Hughes

Steven Hughes

Head Coach

Joe Allison

Head Coach

Isaac Sesay


Zaid Musisi


Steve McManus
James Coley


Tony Vella


Anthony Phillips


David Adjassou


Alex Bulach

Tyler Capelluti



~ Club History - A Look Back in Time ~

True Mateship – a symbol of what our club is all about

Nothing typifies the mateship which has been part of the club over the years than the following story.

For some years around 1990, two old Port stalwarts and Life Members, Jack Bowden and Theo ‘Digger’ Eickoff, would attend home games when the weather permitted.

Both men were in their late 70’s and would sit on the grass mound on the western side of the ground (at John Hart Reserve). Theo at this stage was almost completely blind, but Jack his old mate of many years would sit with him and give him a running commentary of the game.

Both men have now passed on but both had a big influence on the club over many years.



~ Getting to Know You - The Players ~

Each edition we will be highlighting a player from the Senior playing group, so you get to know a bit about each of the players who play for the club.

What is your name?

Giles Dieudone

How old are you?


What position(s) do you play?

Center Back

How long have you been playing soccer?

11 years

What has been the biggest influence on your career?

Seeing multiple people from my community made it far in the a-league. It makes me want to work harder.

What is the best piece of advice you've received in football or life in general?

The best advice I've received is to stay patient and persistent, your time will come eventually stay focused.

What would be one piece of advice that you'd offer to any up-and-coming junior players?

Always give your best in every performance, whether you're playing 90 minutes or 10 minutes a game.

What is your favorite soccer team?

Manchester City

Who is your favorite soccer player?

John Stones

What is your favorite soccer memory?

Playing for AFCON every year

What is your biggest soccer accomplishment?

Making my debut for Adelaide city and playing in the African cup at the age of 16.

What do you think makes a great soccer player?

Someone who is driven and passionate about the game of football

What is your favorite soccer drill or exercise?

One touch passing combinations

What is your favorite thing about playing soccer?

It's very relaxing, for 90 minutes you zone into the game and that's all there is to worry about in that moment.

How do you like to celebrate a goal?

I like to celebrate my goals with my teammates, nice and simple, not too much

What is your favorite soccer tournament or competition to play in?

I like to celebrate my goals with my teammates, nice and simple, not too much

Who is the toughest opponent you've ever faced?

Nestory Irankunda



Club Event of the Year



~ Getting to Know You - The Committee ~

Also, each edition we'll be sharing a bit about members of the club committee. This way you get to know who the people are that are driving this great club to be the best club in the country!

What is your name?

Carly Thompson -Barry

What is your role on the committee?

At this stage it’s Marketing and Strategy, including working on our Women and Girls Strategy.

What inspired you to become a member of the club committee?

I had been on my Childrens school board and was looking for a new challenge and way I could volunteer at the club using my business background. Had many chats with David and Kirsty Arnold about women and girls in the sport, which then saw more chats on events, sponsorship, marketing and more. That then led to gaining more passion for our incredible club (even thinking about it in my sleep! I’m in real deep now 🤣) and I’m really excited about being able to give back to our community and also be part of making an impact on our women and girls participation in the club.


What do you hope to achieve as a member of the committee?

I really hope to make an impact on our women and girls participation in the club for the long term and be a part of the continued growth of the club, it’s great culture that we have experienced as a new family and help it stay strong for many years to come. So many girls drop out of sport and many never return, to think we can help be part of creating more opportunities for women and girls in soccer and change those statistics is really exciting. I’m really enjoying being part of a team and using my business background in a different space.

How long have you been involved with soccer?

We’re in our second season at the club. And a couple of years of school soccer before that. I’m fresh to the sport! Don’t ask me the rules 🤣

What is your favourite soccer memory?

Seeing Rylan absolutely beaming with joy when he plays and also the time we get to spend together going to and from games. We have lots of great chats and have a revvup playlist in the car. I got a bit emotional seeing him out on the field for his first JPL game, hes basically got a ball attached to his foot 24/7, so seeing that pay off for him was so wonderful. I don’t come from a soccer family, so for me the memories relate deeply to family and being able to be part of the culture of being a Pirate.

Do you have a favourite soccer team or player?

Aside from my son of course! I’m in awe of our Matilda’s and the dedication and commitment to the game. Seeing a player like Katrina Gorry juggle elite sport and motherhood is both inspiring and a game changer for women.


Have you ever played soccer? If so, what position did you play?

No. I was a hockey player - ironically with Port and spent many years peering through the fence to the soccer club!

Have you been involved with any other sports or activities? If so, which ones?

Hockey and Sailing as a child.

What are some of your interests and hobbies outside of soccer?

Our 3 kids and their activities, keep me pretty busy! I squeeze in a walk where I can too. But my business, SA Woman, is my other passion and meeting and sharing the stories of women in our state lights me up. We can’t be what we can’t see, and that is huge driver for me and has become what fills up any spare time I have.



The NPL Pep Talk Podcast

Pirates Cult Hero, Stevie Pepper, is joined each week by Pep Baldino to talk all things FSA NPL. Have a listen and support the boys as they take on the 2023 season!

This week, the boys discuss Rd 13 despite some technical difficulties in the studio.



~ 2023 Senior Fixtures ~

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~ This Weekend's All Club Fixtures ~


~ State League 1 Tables ~

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